
5 Top Tips for a Long Haul Flight

Long Haul flights can feel like the longest time ever, but hopefully these tips will help to make your flights a whole lot better. 

#1 Snacks
Sometimes, well most of the time, people often do not like plane food. And it's not always dependent on the airline you're travelling with. My best advice for those who don't like the food is to buy snacks. Most airports have duty free or some sort of place to buy food so make sure you stock up on snacks that will keep you going for however long your flight is. 

#2 In-flight entertainment 
Most long haul flights have films, TV shows, music and audio books to keep you going. Make sure you keep moving on the flight and don't sit in your seat too long watching various shows and films but take advantage of the new shows they usually have. It's what usually keeps me going for hours on end and even makes you forget you're on a plane in the first place.

#3 Walk around 
This is very important. If you stay in your seat too long, it's can be incredibly dangerous to your health. So make sure at least once an hour, depending on the length of your flight, that you take a walk up and down the aisle of the plane. 

#4 Being comfortable
When on a long haul flight you need to make sure that you're comfortable at all times. Usually you're given a blanket and pillow but if you know you need other things, like an eye mask to sleep, take it to make your journey as comfortable as possible. 

#5 Toilet breaks 
Staying hydrated is very important on flights to make sure that you do not feel unwell. This means that taking regular breaks for the toilet is important. Even if it disturbs the person you're sitting next to, don't stop yourself from going to the toilet if you need to. 

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