Finding out I got into university is probably one of the best days of my life especially when, after two years of pure hell and the promise of a new start, all I could think of was relief. Then I really thought about it. Commuting for a year from Essex to London everyday, plus faced with the difficulty of trying to find friends scared the s*** out of me. I mean that's just to put it lightly. But I have made a friend and although I don't really know anyone from my course, and said friend is not on my course, I'm much more optimistic about the future. I'm the type of friend that can't take my own advice but seem to dish it out like I'm Oprah, Queen of Eternal Knowledge, Wisdom and Advice. So here is my very first day out in my new home away from home with, hopefully, many new friends and endless adventure at London College of Fashion. But who cares because here's my OOTD and me outside my, HOPEFULLY, future workplace. You're welcome.
Checked Blazer
New Look
Metallica Top
River Island
Silver, SparkleTrainers
Reebok (Topshop)
paired with gold hoop earrings from H&M
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