
The Rise Of Gender Neutral Clothing

I think we all feel self-conscious when we see someone else wearing the same piece of clothing, especially when they wear it better than you. 
This happened to me when I was in London.
 Whilst casually walking down Oxford street, glancing in the Topshop window and swiftly moving on, realising I couldn't afford the,very expensive, beautiful coat in the window. I turned and noticed someone walking down the street, with the same ripped jeans, Dr Martens, and camel coloured longline double breasted coat. But it was a man. I wasn't all that shocked because with runway shows and shops now incorporating skirts, blouses and jeans for both genders highlighted, to me, that gender neutral clothing is not all that bad. I cannot be the only one that finds baggy shirts comfortable.
 Sometimes we don't notice that clothing is worn by both genders, but it can look completely different. There is no longer any dress codes for males, as well as females. It's quite refreshing to see a generation in which there is no judgement on how someone should dress. I find it hard to believe, in generations before mine, that women couldn't wear trousers and men didn't wear skinny jeans. 
Here is some gender neutral clothing I found that I absolutely love! 

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